Sunday, September 21, 2008

Meskimen Cartoon Contest Goes to the Dogs

Woof! This first real entry gives us all a reason to paws. Sniker... sniker... just had to do that.

Well, just as I promised, I sniffed out some buried bones from good ole RH (aka DBF- Dogs Best Friend). If you know him like I do, you would know where to look first, too. Sure enough I found him pretending to be an Internet celebrity. My poor human can't seem to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up. Turns out one career that he has been bragging about is the exclusive club of cartoon captioneering. He says he's already won a contest over at Jim and Tamara Meskimen's Applied Silliness website once.

Yeah right, RH, you may be a good back scratcher, but funny? Have you ever successfully tickled me, ever heard me laugh...

Admittedly, us dogs, except for my wild African cousin the laughing hyena, aren't the best laughers... so my critique of his funniness (or not) wouldn't be totally fair.

What I find to be a little iffy about his claim is that he picked a cartoon that used a pseudonym (I bet you are surprised by my vocabulary - you think all those barks mean the same thing, do ya, well,***Attn: pet spoiler alert***as you say in Homosapiensville: "It's not what you bark, but how you bark it, baby!"

[Sorry I chased that rabbit, but, uh, it's in the genes]

How do we really know it was him? Anyone that can help him prove it to me will get a doggie biscuit. Just email me here: (pure breds get email)

To keep this short, as I have some cat and squirrel chasing to do, RH has made some noble attempts on the latest Jim Meskimen cartoon caption contest, too. If it were something you could actually vote for, I'd ask you to pettronize him and go there and vote for him.

It's a cartoon about an astronaut landing on a planet that would appear to be inhabited by very large dogs (at the very least one dog). Better yet, maybe you could come up with something better and "really" win the contest. That would be cool, because RH tends to get a little big headed and self absorbed when he wins something (and ends up not throwing the ball as much to my little roommate Jack Russell, Sadie).


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